Red Merle Girl |
Red Merle Girl |
Puppies are 2 weeks old now and we are beginning to see little glimpses of personalities as they bark, growl, and move about as Madonna would say "Express yourself"!
I Love, Love little "puppy growls". To me they sound like a cat purring loudly. They have found
their little voices. Last week's whines of discontent, when they couldn't find a nipple has turned to barks, growls, chirps and other squeaks as they experiment with sounds!
Blue Merle Girl |
Blue Merle Girl |
The past couple days eyes are opening or opened (closed for the camera) and they are wobbly making their way around up on 4 feet! Our expert wobblers or first on their feet "Zoom", for the boys and "Dip" for the girls! But to be fair they were all up and going so fast they could all be over-achievers! I would expect nothing less from this cross.
Blue Merle Girl |
Blue Merle Girl |
Both Blue merle girls, "Dip" and "Snap" have what we call the "Kwillie Factor"! They have Kwills head, which is incredibly cute! We can't wait to see if they look like 2 blue "Kwillies" when they grow up!
Red Merle Girl |
Red Merle Girl |
Black Tri Boy |
Kwill has finally decided that it okay to leave the puppies in the whelping box alone once in a while. She has been sneaking out and sleeping on the couch. She has a great view of the whelping box and can sleep with one eye open. The only other dog in the room with her is the ancient border collie, Brownie and as long as no one steals her current bone or antler, she could care less about the puppies.
Black Tri Boy |
When Kwill first started getting out of her whelping box that is surrounded by a 4 ft x-pen. I heard a lot of banging in the middle of the night. When I got to the pen, she was already out. We thought maybe she was able to lift it up off the hardwood floors and sneak out.
Blue Merle Boy |
Blue Merle Boy |
Black Tri Boy |
Imagine our surprise the next night when I caught her climbing up over the top of it!! Looking for a smart, agile puppy?? Talk with me or Liz!
Black Tri Boy |
Plans this week for the little ones is their first worming and nails need to be clipped. I use a human finger nail clipper and usually have no problem doing them myself. Something tells me I will need Liz to hold these little wiggle butts so they don't launch themselves into space while I try to clip and hold at the same time!
Blue Merle Boy |
Blue Merle Boy |
Next week should be loads of fun to take pictures! Three weeks old usually means "There is no way I can stay still when I have just learned to wobble fast and I don't like cheese, Thank You!" Instead of the usual 2- 4 or in a couple puppies cases >8 attempts to take a picture, they will all take at least 8 attempts and that will be the more cooperative ones! Afterall, there is a whole new world out there to explore...from here on out we think it will be a blast!
See you next week!
janine & Liz